Princípios da Agroecologia

Agricultura sustentável tem que considerar aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais dos grupos sociais implicados. Não basta proteger e melhorar o solo ou a produtividade agrícola se não resulta em melhorias nas condições de vida das pessoas envolvidas. Portanto, agricultura sustentável é um conceito que implica aspectos políticos e ideológicos que tem a ver com o conceito de cidadania e libertação dos esquemas de dominação impostos por setores de nossa própria sociedade e por interesses econômicos de grandes grupos, de modo que não se pode abordar o tema reduzindo outra vez as questões técnicas.

Francisco Roberto Caporal


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domingo, 24 de junho de 2012


Sustainable Agriculture Information Network

Deutsch | English | Español
Sustainet Sustainet Sustainet Sustainet



Pilot regions
Information Office


In developing and transition countries, up to 80% of the population and 75% of those in absolute poverty live in rural areas. Agriculture is their main source of income. For the purposes of poverty reduction, agriculture is therefore pivotal.
The prime objectives of SUSTAINET - "Sustainable Agriculture Information Network" - are to reduce poverty and support sustainable forms of agriculture. SUSTAINET has identified sustainable examples of good agricultural practices (GAPs) which are capable of bringing about a lasting reduction in rural poverty, and which have the potential for wide dissemination on a transregional and transcontinental basis.
The aim of SUSTAINET is to support the scaling up of examples of good practice in sustainable agriculture. To this end, SUSTAINET networks have been established among institutions at local, regional and international level. In Germany, members of the network include both state institutions (the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit - German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the German Council for Sustainable Development) and non-governmental organisations (Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action) and Misereor (the German Catholic Bishops' Organisation for Development Cooperation)). In addition there are SUSTAINET networks in three pilot regions in India, East Africa and the Andean countries.
SUSTAINET was brought into being in 2003 as part of the German federal government's "Programme of Action 2015: Poverty Reduction - a Global Responsibility". It is a beacon project of the German Council for Sustainable Development. The Programme of Action 2015 has taken up the United Nations Millennium Goal of halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty worldwide by the year 2015.
Sustainet –
a cooperative project
to combat world hunger
through sustainable

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Assine o Abaixo-Assinado virtual que pede o banimento dos agrotóxicos já proibidos em outros países do mundo e que circulam livremente no Brasil.

A Campanha tem o objetivo de alertar a população sobre os perigos dos agrotóxicos, pressionar governos e propor um modelo de agricultura saudável para todas e todos, baseado na agroecologia.

Assine já, pelo banimento dos banidos! Entre no link abaixo.