Princípios da Agroecologia

Agricultura sustentável tem que considerar aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais dos grupos sociais implicados. Não basta proteger e melhorar o solo ou a produtividade agrícola se não resulta em melhorias nas condições de vida das pessoas envolvidas. Portanto, agricultura sustentável é um conceito que implica aspectos políticos e ideológicos que tem a ver com o conceito de cidadania e libertação dos esquemas de dominação impostos por setores de nossa própria sociedade e por interesses econômicos de grandes grupos, de modo que não se pode abordar o tema reduzindo outra vez as questões técnicas.

Francisco Roberto Caporal


"Muita gente pequena, em muitos lugares pequenos, fazendo coisas pequenas, mudarão a face da Terra". provérbio africano

Como os lobos mudam rios

Como se processa os animais que comemos

Rio Banabuiu


sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012


AgriCultures Blog

In our blog, we comment on developments or happenings that affect the lives of small-scale farmers – directly or indirectly.
A radical transition to agroecology

A radical transition to agroecology

Jun 17, 2012: On the 15th and 16th of June, AgriCultures Network partner AS-PTA and the Brazilian National Agroecology Alliance (ANA) set the stage for a national-international debate on agroecology. It was made clear from many different perspectives: agroecology works!
Family farmers need recognition... but what type of agriculture do they want?

Family farmers need recognition... but what type of agriculture do they want?

Mar 15, 2012: During the combined Fourth Global Meeting of the Farmers' Forum and the 35th Session of the IFAD’s Governing Council in February in Rome there was a consensus that family farmers need more policy recognition. But, when listening carefully one could hear different and sometimes opposed interpretations of what sustainable family farming is all about.
Sustainable farming organisations disappointed with Zero Draft of the Rio Conference

Sustainable farming organisations disappointed with Zero Draft of the Rio Conference

Feb 23, 2012: During the workshop at the BioFach organic fair in Nurnberg on 15th February, influential figures from the sustainable farming world and visitors of the fair discussed Zero Draft of the Rio+20 outcome document. General conclusion: Zero Draft is far from expectations.
Ecosystem economics - Can we put a price on nature?

Ecosystem economics - Can we put a price on nature?

Feb 14, 2012: Nature provides us, directly or indirectly, with a full array of 'services' on which, as humans, we all depend and benefit from : clean air and water, food, energy, fibre, climate and flood regulations, to name only a few.
Advocacy for sustainable agriculture

Advocacy for sustainable agriculture

Feb 08, 2012: How to bring agro-ecology on the political agenda? How to convince people that sustainable agriculture can feed the world? Interesting insights from Julia Wright’s presentation during Policy Opportunities for Agroecology session during Oxford Real Farming Conference (Fringe 2012)
In a rush for land

In a rush for land

Dec 22, 2011: We seem to hear more and more about land grabbing lately, and rightly so. In the first decade of 2000, large scale land deals have covered a total of 203 million hectares. This is larger than the total land area of Mexico, the 14th largest country in the world.
Grain receive Right Livelihood Award

Grain receive Right Livelihood Award

Dec 09, 2011: On 5 December 2011, Grain, an international research organisation that support small farmers, received the 2011 Right Livelihood Award, at the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.
From Fossil Fuels to Ecosystem Services: Feeding a growing population

From Fossil Fuels to Ecosystem Services: Feeding a growing population

Nov 2, 2011: With the current global economic crisis, the associated hike in food prices, and the imminent reality of one billion people facing food insecurity, how can we ensure the provision of a long-term food supply for a global population that has now reached seven billion people?
“Can agriculture feed the world?” Students’ answer is YES!

“Can agriculture feed the world?” Students’ answer is YES!

Oct 27, 2011: At the scientific students conference “Can agriculture feed the world?” in Wageningen last week the students and keynote speakers agreed: Yes agriculture can feed the world.
Championing homegrown school feeding

Championing homegrown school feeding

Sep 15, 2011: Interview with Hans Eenhoorn
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Assine o Abaixo-Assinado virtual que pede o banimento dos agrotóxicos já proibidos em outros países do mundo e que circulam livremente no Brasil.

A Campanha tem o objetivo de alertar a população sobre os perigos dos agrotóxicos, pressionar governos e propor um modelo de agricultura saudável para todas e todos, baseado na agroecologia.

Assine já, pelo banimento dos banidos! Entre no link abaixo.