Princípios da Agroecologia

Agricultura sustentável tem que considerar aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais dos grupos sociais implicados. Não basta proteger e melhorar o solo ou a produtividade agrícola se não resulta em melhorias nas condições de vida das pessoas envolvidas. Portanto, agricultura sustentável é um conceito que implica aspectos políticos e ideológicos que tem a ver com o conceito de cidadania e libertação dos esquemas de dominação impostos por setores de nossa própria sociedade e por interesses econômicos de grandes grupos, de modo que não se pode abordar o tema reduzindo outra vez as questões técnicas.

Francisco Roberto Caporal


"Muita gente pequena, em muitos lugares pequenos, fazendo coisas pequenas, mudarão a face da Terra". provérbio africano

Como os lobos mudam rios

Como se processa os animais que comemos

Rio Banabuiu


sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Para sua informação

Food crisis and the global land grab weekly | 07 Mar 2012

TradeArabia | 07 Mar 2012
The governments in the Gulf region are investing heavily in outside farmland acquisitions and leases besides injecting money into the domestic food production industry, according to an expert ahead of a major agriculture expo.

The Guardian | 06 Mar 2012
Companies investing in land in Africa and elsewhere need guidelines to ensure the human rights and dignity of local communities are protected

APRODEV | 06 Mar 2012
This report from APRODEV documents how communities in Cambodia have lost their livelihoods because of land grabbing by national and international business corporations.

Reuters | 06 Mar 2012
A law meant to breathe new life into agriculture in Democratic Republic of Congo risks scaring off needed foreign investment due to a clause calling for farms to be majority-owned by Congolese, according to investors and other sector players.

Economic Times | 05 Mar 2012
In the run up to Rio+20, the United Nation Environment Programme Foresight Panel has flagged the adverse impact of the "new land rush" as a cause of concern. | 05 Mar 2012
Mitsubishi Corp. recently announced plans to acquire 20% of farmland operator Los Grobo Ceagro do Brasil S.A.(Ceagro) for about 3.5 billion yen. The companies also agreed on Mitsubishi’s prerogative to purchase grain preferentially from Ceagro.

Guardian | 05 Mar 2012
Small farmers lose livelihoods as 'controversial' palm-oil producing multinational moves in, report says

Economic Times | 05 Mar 2012
The government has decided to throw its might behind private purchases of farm land overseas to ensure food security for India.

Reuters | 05 Mar 2012
The Indian government has no plans to buy farmland abroad or help private companies do so, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said on Monday, after a local media report said New Delhi was debating the issue.

ActNow! | 04 Mar 2012
A new interactive mapping website shows exactly which areas of PNG have been stolen under the guise of Special Agriculture and Business Leases and which villages have lost their rights to their land for at least the next THREE generations.

The Guardian | 02 Mar 2012
Up to 90% of sub-Saharan Africa's land area is currently untitled. Without legal owners, this land falls to the state, which makes it easy to lease to foreign investors

Via Campesina | 02 Mar 2012
La Via Campesina calls on all of its members and allies to organize actions around the world on April 17 to display massive popular resistance to land grabbing and highlight the struggle against corporate control over land and natural resources.

IMF | 02 Mar 2012
IMF/World Bank paper looks at how foreign investors are buying up farmland in developing countries.

IPE | 02 Mar 2012
PKA has defended its investments in African agricultural land, denying they are ethically dubious or constitute "land grabbing".

Daily Monitor | 02 Mar 2012
Land conflicts pitting poor villagers against powerful investors now number more than 1,000 a year, according to research findings by Land Resources and Research Institute (HakiArdhi).

Agrimoney | 01 Mar 2012
The Black Sea farm operator, which on Tuesday said it was poised "to announce a number of new acquisitions by the end of May" in dairy, on Thursday unveiled the first, of the 4,160-hectare Vaatsa Agro business.

RNW | 01 Mar 2012
A farmer in eastern Cameroon has challenged a government ruling forcing him to cede his land to Chinese rice farmers.

NZ Government | 01 Mar 2012
IP-rich New Zealand is a logical partner for resource-rich Gulf states as a producer of food in places like Africa, says New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

IPS | 01 Mar 2012
A global scramble for land and mineral resources fuelled by billions of investment dollars is threatening the last remaining wilderness and critical ecosystems, destroying communities and contaminating huge volumes of fresh water.

Radio Australia | 01 Mar 2012
Papua New Guinea landowners are getting very little in the way of rent for vast tracts of land that have been leased out under controversial leases. Interview with Colin Filer.

ABC | 01 Mar 2012
Senator Bill Heffernan and the managing director of the Australian Agricultural Company David Farley join The Business to discuss overseas investment in Australia.

AllAfrica | 29 Feb 2012
Alfred Quayjandi accuses both the Liberian government and Sime Darby of presenting a confused and angry population with a fait accompli, failing to consult local communities and bypassing or snubbing the local administration and traditional chiefs.

Afrique en ligne | 21 Feb 2012
Le phénomène d'accaparement des terres se multiplie et s'accentue à travers toutes les provinces du pays : du Katanga à l'Equateur, du grand Kivu à l'Orientale, en passant par les deux Kasaï, mettant à rude épreuve les populations locales

Quotidien Mutations | 06 mar 2012
Le Centre pour l’environnement et le développement dénonce la concession de 73 000 hectares accordée par l’État camerounais à une société américaine qui vise une production annuelle de 400 000 tonnes d’huile de palme. 25 000 riverains seraient affectés par ce projet. | 05 mar 2012
AgroGeneration annonce la signature d'un partenariat stratégique avec le groupe argentin La Suerte Agro. La société commune louera et exploitera 14.000 hectares en Argentine dès la prochaine campagne agricole, avec pour objectif 50 000 hectares d'ici à 5 ans.

APIC | 05 mar 2012
Un axe du combat de Pauline Ndiaye, du Sénégal, est la lutte contre l’accaparement des terres par des nationaux ou des entreprises étrangères.

Alter Infos | 05 mar 2012
Les mouvements sociaux ruraux de tout le Brésil ont lancé un manifeste historique pour la lutte contre le transfert des terres à des groupes étrangers et l’établissement de limites à la propriété foncière au Brésil

La Via Campesina | 05 mar 2012
La Via Campesina appelle tous ses membres et allié(e)s à se joindre à elle en cette journée du 17 avril pour faire entendre massivement la voix de la résistance populaire contre les accaparements de terres

PPP | 03 mar 2012
Combattant depuis longtemps aux côtés des paysans pour l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie, elle adhère en 2005 à Synergie Paysanne et prend conscience du phénomène de l’accaparement des terres.

Quotidien Mutations | 01 mar 2012
Un agriculteur de l'est du Cameroun a contesté une décision gouvernementale l'obligeant à céder ses terres aux agriculteurs chinois.

Vía Campesina | 05 mar 2012
Llamamiento para el 17 de abril: Día Internacional de las Luchas Campesinas

El Tiempo | 04 mar 2012
La extranjerización y el acaparamiento de tierras, que se practica en Colombia y muchas otras partes del mundo, es un negocio social y humanamente ilegítimo.

Trivia | 02 mar 2012
Tierras rurales. Régimen de protección al dominio nacional sobre la propiedad, posesión o tenencia de las tierras rurales. Ley 26.737. Su reglamentación.

Página 12 | 29 feb 2012
La norma limita la venta a extranjeros al 15 por ciento del territorio nacional y obliga a las provincias a informar en los próximos 60 días la cantidad de tierras en manos de personas físicas o jurídicas extranjeras.

Zwela Angola | 26 Feb 2012
Cerca de dois milhões e meio de hectares foram concedidos a investidores estrangeiros de países, como África do Sul, Austrália, Portugal, Suécia, Noruega e Índia.

17 April: Stop Land Grabbing – land to the tillers!
La Via Campesina
17 Apr 2012
Accaparement de terres : une nouvelle forme de colonialisme ?
03 May 2012

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