Princípios da Agroecologia

Agricultura sustentável tem que considerar aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais dos grupos sociais implicados. Não basta proteger e melhorar o solo ou a produtividade agrícola se não resulta em melhorias nas condições de vida das pessoas envolvidas. Portanto, agricultura sustentável é um conceito que implica aspectos políticos e ideológicos que tem a ver com o conceito de cidadania e libertação dos esquemas de dominação impostos por setores de nossa própria sociedade e por interesses econômicos de grandes grupos, de modo que não se pode abordar o tema reduzindo outra vez as questões técnicas.

Francisco Roberto Caporal


"Muita gente pequena, em muitos lugares pequenos, fazendo coisas pequenas, mudarão a face da Terra". provérbio africano

Como os lobos mudam rios

Como se processa os animais que comemos

Rio Banabuiu


sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Food crisis and the global land grab

Food crisis and the global land grab weekly | 01 Feb 2012

RRI | 01 Feb 2012
New studies released in London today suggest that the frenzied sell-off of forests and other prime lands to buyers hungry for the developing world's natural resources risk sparking widespread civil unrest—unless national leaders and investors recognize the customary rights of millions of poor people who have lived on and worked these lands for centuries.

This Day | 31 Jan 2012
Kwara State Governor Ahmed has signed and MOU with Vasolar Consortium of Spain for the cultivation, processing and packaging of rice, with the state providing 20,000 ha of land.

Agrimoney | 30 Jan 2012
The extent of the surge in UK farmland prices has driven foreign buyers and pension funds to the sidelines, leaving farmers to pay prices more than double those three years ago, property consultancy Savills said.

Addis Fortune | 30 Jan 2012
Karuturi Agro Products Plc, part of holding company Karuturi Glolabal Ltd, is planning to go public, floating 200,000 shares worth 1,000 Br each to Ethiopian investors, once it gets the nod from its board of directors.

Bloomberg | 30 Jan 2012
An influx of foreign funds seeking Australian farmland has pushed lawmakers to consider legislation that would increase scrutiny of overseas purchases after foreign ownership of land almost doubled since 1984.

Russia & India Report | 30 Jan 2012
Russia is willing to discuss leasing farm land in the Far East to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation member countries. The Ministry for Economic Development has stated that a group of 20 projects is intended to bring in tens of billions of dollars in investments.

| 30 Jan 2012
Response from Briony Mathieson, Olam International

Reuters | 30 Jan 2012
Singapore's commodity trader Olam International is partnering with Russian Dairy Company LCC in the dairy and grains business and will jointly invest $400 million in Russia over the next five years.

YouTube | 29 Jan 2012
Bargain prices on Ethiopia's prime farmland! Who's down for some land grabbing?! Anybody?

Oakland Institute | 27 Jan 2012
Ethiopia is forcibly relocating 70,000 people from Gambella to make fertile land available for foreign investment in agriculture--aggravating current hunger while laying the groundwork for future famine in Ethiopia

Chatham House | 27 Jan 2012
Large-scale land investment should be seen as an extension of the historical processes of state formation, says this paper from Chatham House

AP | 27 Jan 2012
Chinese investors are buying New Zealand farmland for the first time as economic ties with the Asian powerhouse grow ever deeper, sparking considerable anxiety in a country where livelihoods are heavily reliant on agriculture.

Bloomberg | 27 Jan 2012
Shanghai Pengxin Group Co., a Chinese property developer seeking to export dairy products to Asia, won approval to buy 16 New Zealand dairy farms amid local objections to rising foreign ownership of assets.

Stock & Land | 26 Jan 2012
While interest in Australian agricultural land is coming from all quarters, it is the prospect of sovereign investment to shore up a nation's food security that is attracting the most attention.

NY Times | 20 Jan 2012
Unbeknown to many outside Liberia, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf’s government may now be sowing the seeds of future conflict by handing over huge tracts of land to foreign investors and dispossessing rural Liberians.

Commodesk | 31 jan 2012
La Russie pourrait louer plusieurs millions d'hectares de terres agricoles non utilisées à des investisseurs asiatiques.

La Terre de Chez Nous | 30 jan 2012
L’acquisition de 16 fermes laitières (Crafar Farms) par un groupe chinois crée des remous en Nouvelle-Zélande.

Ecofin | 30 jan 2012
De nombreuses ONG alertent l’opinion sur les risques que les cessions de terres peuvent faire peser sur les populations locales et dénoncent un « néocolonialisme brésilien » au Mozambique.

24 heures dans le Pacifique | 30 jan 2012
Le gouvernement a donné son feu vert à la décision du Bureau de l’investissement à l’étranger qui recommande la vente des 16 fermes laitières Crafar à la société Shanghai Pengxin pour 150 millions de dollars.

AFP | 27 jan 2012
La crise a renforcé la ruée sur les terres arables dans les pays pauvres et amené de nouveaux acteurs dans cette course tels que les banques et les fonds de pension.

Daily Motion | 23 fev 2011
Au cours de ce reportage la parole est donnée à ceux qui vivent l'accaparement des terres. Ils sont du Mali, du Sénégal et du Burkina Faso, tous ils témoignent du caractère méprisant de la façon dont leurs terres sont confisquées dans le silence total des organisations de défense des droits de l'homme ....

El País | 28 ene 2012
Este fenómeno de acaparamiento de tierras, presenta ahora su cara más dramática. Como denuncia la organización Human Rights Watch, recientemente el Gobierno de Etiopía ha obligado a 70.000 indígenas de la región de Gambella a dejar sus tierras, que han sido adquiridas para destinarlas a dichos cultivos comerciales

Diario del Huila | 27 ene 2012
Una noticia de la semana pasada daba cuenta de la inversión creciente de grandes multinacionales en compra de tierras en Colombia. Específicamente señalaba la compra de 90.000 hectáreas por la empresa norteamericana Cargill, la mayor comercializadora del mundo de materias primas agrícolas.

CONFER | 26 ene 2012
El Área de Justicia y Solidaridad de CONFER ha lanzado la hoja de reflexión del mes de enero, y en esta ocasión, pone el acento en un tema de actualidad que cada vez es más preocupante, el "acaparamiento de tierras". weekly provides a list of the latest postings to by email each week is an open-publishing website, initiated by GRAIN, tracking today's global land grab for food production and people's movements against it

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