Princípios da Agroecologia

Agricultura sustentável tem que considerar aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais dos grupos sociais implicados. Não basta proteger e melhorar o solo ou a produtividade agrícola se não resulta em melhorias nas condições de vida das pessoas envolvidas. Portanto, agricultura sustentável é um conceito que implica aspectos políticos e ideológicos que tem a ver com o conceito de cidadania e libertação dos esquemas de dominação impostos por setores de nossa própria sociedade e por interesses econômicos de grandes grupos, de modo que não se pode abordar o tema reduzindo outra vez as questões técnicas.

Francisco Roberto Caporal


"Muita gente pequena, em muitos lugares pequenos, fazendo coisas pequenas, mudarão a face da Terra". provérbio africano

Como os lobos mudam rios

Como se processa os animais que comemos

Rio Banabuiu


quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016

As terras da Terra

         |   others   |  events    Facebook  Twitter WEEKLY 17 Feb 2016
Green Scenery in Sierra Leone have initiated a petition calling on the President of the Republic to release Shiaka Sama and five other MALOA land rights activists from prison immediately. Please support their effort!
Call for mobilisation: West African caravan for land, water and seeds

IIED | 17 Feb 2016
New research examining the geographical coverage of international investment treaties raises concern about how they might affect public action to address 'land grabbing'.

SMH | 16 Feb 2016
Mr Hornibrook, who was a former head of Macquarie Agricultural Funds Management, along with some members of his sales team, were found to have extracted sensitive commercial information from a rival fund.

Phnom Penh Post | 16 Feb 2016
Australian banking giant ANZ has come under fire for its response to a scandal over its financing of a sugar plantation previously linked to forced evictions and child labour in Kampong Speu province.

Oxfam | 15 Feb 2016
Follow up from 2014 Oxfam report "Banking on Shaky Ground – Australia's big four banks and land grabs", asserts that all four banks have failed to ensure the affected communities' rights to food, shelter and a sustainable livelihood were restored.

Oxfam | 15 Feb 2016
​ Almost two years ago Oxfam revealed that Australia’s Big 4 Banks — the ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac — are backing agriculture and timber companies linked to land grabs in developing countries.

Cambodia Daily | 12 Feb 2016
A Thai environmental auditing firm has confirmed that it is assessing the fallout from a trio of plantations in Oddar Meanchey province that Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol abandoned in late 2014 amid mounting accusations of land grabbing.

Bloomberg | 12 Feb 2016
Proterra Investment Partners , the private-equity firm spun off from agricultural commodities producer and trader Cargill Inc., is looking at several opportunities to buy farmland in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America.

Business Standard | 11 Feb 2016
"We are willing to offer 10,000-15,000 hectare on lease for 99 years," Zambia Agriculture Minister Given Lubinda said.

| 11 Feb 2016
We, the undermentioned organisations working to promote land rights and rule of law in Sierra Leone, are gravely concerned about the conviction and imprisonment of these activists.

Cambodia Daily | 04 Feb 2016
After Canada, Denmark, Finland and the World Bank, Germany is ending its work on land rights in Cambodia, a strong indictment of the government’s at­titude toward land grabbing.

Green Scenery au Sierra Leone a redigé une pétition à l'attention du Président de la République pour demander la libération immédiate de Shiaka Sama et les cinq autres militants anti-landgrabbing de MALOA. Soutenons leur effort !
Appel à la mobilisation pour la Caravane ouest-africaine pour la terre, l’eau et les semences

TSA | 15 fev 2016
De nombreux partenariats avec des investisseurs étrangers sont en cours dans le domaine agricole, se félicite le directeur de l’organisation foncière au ministère de l'Agriculture algérien

Agence Ecofin | 15 fev 2016
Selon le groupe de défense des droits civils AfriBusiness, le plan d’accession à la propriété foncière du président Jacob Zuma pourrait provoquer un exode massif des investisseurs

Ouestafnews | 15 fev 2016
La vive dénonciation des attributions de terres en 2011 à Socfin a été le début d’un combat qui a porté devant les feux de l’actualité les militants anti-accaparement du Malen Affected Land Owners and Users Association (Maloa).

Reporterre | 13 fev 2016
M. Bolloré, classé 9e fortune de France, attaque pour "diffamation publique envers un particulier" un article de synthèse publié par Bastamag consacré à la question de l’accaparement des terres

AFP | 12 fev 2016
Jacob Zuma a annoncé une loi pour interdire aux étrangers de posséder des terres agricoles

Helloasso | 12 fev 2016
Récit cartographique tous publics de 23 volets réalisé en deux formats : un document web et une exposition. Il propose une lecture originale des grands thèmes qui sous tendent les agricultures industrielles et paysannes (l'accès à la terre, la réforme agraire, la révolution verte, les semences, l'eau, la forêt...), leurs implications sur les sociétés humaines et l'environnement.


Umoya | 16 feb 2016
Un tribunal de Sierra Leona ha condenado a seis personas que se oponen a un proyecto de palma aceitera en la que el conglomerado francés Bolloré posee una importante participación de la destrucción de árboles y de incitar a la población local para protestar sobre derechos de tierras.

Radio Mundo Real | 03 feb 2016
El Estado hondureño se rehúsa a reconocer su condición de pueblo indígena y le niega el derecho a la tierra. Corporaciones y terratenientes avanzan con el monocultivo de palma africana, amenazando la soberanía alimentaria.


IHU | 12 Feb 2016
Em um esforço gigantesco, o grupo financeiro americano e seus parceiros acumularam vastas áreas agrícolas, apesar de uma tentativa do governo brasileiro em 2010 para proibir que tais negócios se efetivassem em grande escala por parte de exploradores estrangeiros.


Global AgInvesting | Dubai | 29 Feb 2016
GAI Middle East

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